Corporate Disclosure in Compliance with SB 657 California Transparency in Supply Chains Act (Human Trafficking and Anti-Slavery)

Here's a breakdown of the key points in the disclosure:

Vendor Responsibility Program: MAK Global Shop LLC, as a retailer, has implemented a Vendor Responsibility Program to evaluate and address risks of human trafficking and slavery in its product supply chains.


Prohibition of Illegal Labor and Human Trafficking: Vendors doing business with MAK Global Shop LLC are explicitly prohibited from using any form of illegal labor, including convict, bonded, forced, indentured, or other illegal labor, as well as any form of slavery or human trafficking.


Requirements for Vendors and Subcontractors: Vendors are required to ensure that their subcontractors also adhere to these standards when manufacturing products or product components.


Third-Party Audits: We engages third-party audit firms to conduct audits aimed at evaluating compliance with these requirements. These audits are conducted both on an unannounced and announced basis.


Employee Training: Employees directly responsible for supply chain management in the California market undergo training through the Vendor Responsibility Program. This training includes awareness of human trafficking and slavery risks in the supply chain of products and methods to mitigate those risks.


Accountability Standards: We maintains accountability standards and procedures for employees, contractors, and vendors who fail to meet the requirements outlined in the disclosure.


Overall, this disclosure outlines commitment to ensuring that its supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking and its efforts to hold vendors and subcontractors accountable for adhering to these standards. It also reflects the company's commitment to compliance with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010.